Market Buildings

Market Buildings

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Members' Lounge

Members' Lounge

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Come and Join Us!

Call Us Now
01569 762543

bar stewardYou are invited to consider joining The Stonehaven Unionist Club which occupies prestigious premises on the top floor of The Market Buildings in the centre of Stonehaven and has been in existing since 7th March 1902.

The Members Lounge Bar provides a comfortable area to socialise with other members, meet with business colleagues etc. Members can relax and enjoy a fine selection of beers, wines and spirits.

This has a large flat screen and WIFI availability.

The club employs a Steward who can provide catering and organise functions in the club.

Members can invite guests along to experience the excellent facilities.

New members are always welcome. Visit the Members Page to find out how to join the Club.

The Club is presently closed because of the Government lockdown due to the Corona Virus pandemic.

Refurbishment of the Lounge is being carried out and work unfortunately will not be completed by 15th July, when bars and restaurants are allowed to open again.

We will reopen as soon as possible and will make a further announcement when refurbishing is completed.

We can't wait to welcome back members and guests.



Learn more about how to become a Member.

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The Haven

The Haven

The former North Room is no longer available for functions. The Haven are leasing this area from 1st December 2017

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Get information on the latest forthcoming events.

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